I did no work on genealogy this week. I am enjoying some time in Las Vegas with Fred and Jari and Charlotte and Rebecca.
AND, Hazel, who was just born on Thursday. She is beautiful with lots of very dark hair. I've had fun playing with Charlotte and decided that part of family history is creating memories for future generations. Not that Charlotte will remember me playing with her. Afterall, she is only two years old. But she is pretty sharp (as are ALL my grandchildren).
I like to imagine them remembering times I had tea parties with them, played soccer, watched their games and performances, made mud pies, etc. But they all live so very far from me and I don't have the opportunity to engage in those activities with them. Perhaps times have changed a little and the youth of today are more engaged in technology. I'm sunk. Sheighla is very reluctant to let me even use the remote control for the tv because she has to fix everything I do whenever I use it. But I know how to make mud pies. And I can kick a ball. And I know how to have a tea party. And I love to watch games and performances. And etc. Maybe I can have a white-glove tea party with my granddaughters using technology. And William, Weston, and Aeden are welcome to join (as long as they wear white gloves, too).