I've decided that blogging isn't all that easy to do. I have been fairly busy through the month of April and first week of May and didn't take time to write. I've done no work on family history or genealogy. I did get to visit with Jayna a couple of days this week and had fun with her. The first day she transfered her digital files to my laptop. The second day we went to the antique mall on Overland. Fun.
Now I just want to blog about something special I notice that has happened during the week. I'm more apt to write something. So, for this week the most special thing was spending time with Jayna.
For those who don't know her, she is my younger cousin. Jayna is one of those individuals that draw people to her. She is so fun and loving. She is VERY talented and has a master's degree in art from BYU. I would love to see her house someday and see all the neat stuff she has done. And she is always doing things for people.
Jayna has met with some difficult challenges in her life. She was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis a few years ago and was given up to five years to live. Then about a year and a half ago she was told she had stage four breast cancer and given the same time frame for living. She has had radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and other medication which has helped stop the advancement of the fibrosis and right now she has no active cancer cells. That can change quickly, but it enabled us to have a good time together.
Along with the medical challenges, Jayna has challenges with her family. None of her children remained active in the church. And each has brought to the table additional challenges for Jayna. At one time she had four of her adult children (along with spouses and children) living with her (and Steve). I don't know how she managed to stay sane. She was able to do it because of her loving nature and I know the Lord has blessed her for giving so much of herself.
It helps me recognize how greatly I am blessed with the wonderful kids I have and I love them so very much. Our problems are so minor in comparison. Currently all my children are active in the church. I have the most amazing, wonderful grandchildren. Even though I seldom see them, I am crazy about them. They are SO precious to me. Love you all!
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