Saturday, January 3, 2015


Today I am feeling grateful for inventors.  Not being gifted with original thought, I am most certainly grateful for those who do have that gift.  There are too many inventions to mention that make my life so much easier and happier.  I often wonder if those inventors know that the gift they have comes from God.  I don't hear or see much evidence that a whole lot of them give God credit for the gifts He has given them.  That is sad.  But I am happy that there have been so many wonderful ideas that have been shared used to benefit mankind, and I am certainly willing to thank my Heavenly Father for those blessings.  In fact, that is now what I am trying to say with this blog.  It's a lot of the little things, as well as the big things, that make life so pleasant.  It would be nice to have original thoughts and to share them with others.  Don't have them.  My gifts are in other areas.  Perhaps that is why I am so impressed with the ideas that lead to good inventions and a better way of life.  Even the little things can be big in importance.  And, sadly, there my thoughts end.

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